Imagine for just a moment that you didn't have your car because it was at the mechanic due to a horrid accident. You would have to depend on friends and public transport to get to varsity, or to work. Or incur costs that you may have not planned for. That's why car insurance is important. It helps to cover the costs when you’re in an accident, or when replacing your car if it's stolen. Here are five benefits of insuring your car.
1. Pays for the damage
If you have an accident and it's your fault, you’ll have to pay for your own car's repairs, as well as the other person's car. That's a lot of money!
2. Replaces a stolen car
Picture the scene: you've just done your shopping and you head towards your parking spot only to find that it's empty. Unfortunately, we’re all familiar with that feeling of dread. At least with car insurance (provided you've selected the theft option), you can put some money towards a replacement car.
3. Fire protection
Insurance can't stop a fire damaging your car or hail pelting down and causing damage but it can certainly help pay for repairs.
4. Roadside assistance
Yes, you read that right. Car insurance is a competitive industry which means there are lots of extra benefits offered by service providers to attract customers. One such benefit is roadside assistance. Whether it's a flat tyre that needs replacing, or you've run out of petrol, there's a service to help.
5. Discounts for good driving
Another great benefit of a competitive industry is the value propositions on offer. Some companies offer cashback after a certain period of no claims, while others offer apps that track your driving behaviour and reward you with premium discounts if you do well.
Paying for insurance may seem costly but consider the alternative of having to pay for damages out of your own pocket. Look for the best deal to suit your pocket and make sure, at the very minimum, you have the basics covered.
Take a look at our range of affordable car and home insurance options. There's one to meet your needs and your pocket. If you need help choosing, chat to one of our friendly Financial Advisers.